Nature : what we see, what we hear, what we know


The area of rugged California coastline and wild mountains is known as Big Sur. It contains many rare and endangered species such as the wild orchid Piperia yadonii…


Green flashes and green rays, are a very rare optical phenomenon that occurs at sunrise or sunset, and shows a green dot on its top for several seconds.


Fossilized dinosaur eggs, eel baskets turned to stone during a mythological shipwreck or an alien meteorite, The New Zealand Moeraki Boulders have long puzzled locals and tourists.

In a normally predisposed site, a natural disaster is the pernicious effect of a more or less violent and even a paroxysmal natural event on the normal course of a geodynamics phenomenon; earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, landslides, floods, storm , cyclones…When ignored, underestimated and/or not well forcast, their impacts on the arrangements, structures and people of vulnerable human settlements exposed to a “natural” risk whether it’s identified or not, could be very dangerous and even deadly

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